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Monday, December 06, 2010

Full circle.

Somethings do come full circle. Yes. I know its not very right to count my chickens before they hatch. But I have to argue that with happiness shinning on, it's hard to deny the thought of planning ahead. I bet he would have a slight trace of future planning too. Marriage, kids, families...

After being apart from him for about 2 months, I have come to appreciate whatever that appears on my plate. It was not easy trying to move on from him. I guess, it's just me putting in all my bets. I'm not apologetic for my decision. Life's just too short to hold back. Nike's a really smart company. No wonder, even though their shoes aren't the best, they still make so much annually.

Of course I would be trying not to make the same mistakes as before. This time I'll learn how to savor the moments we share. No more gulping down the romance like a shot of tequila. Instead, I'll enjoy it like a great glass of french white wine. :)

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