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Tuesday, June 01, 2010

To an old friend.

I know ought to studying for OB now. But some stuff have been bothering me for quite some time. So here it goes.

To an old friend,

I wonder if you ever realized the circle of friends that surround you have changed. The constant ones change in thought and character, the less patient ones change faces at a much quicker pace. Seriously, today you have confused me. I no longer understand what you want and what you are. I can list down the long-term goals you have weeks ago and compare them today, and they'll be very much different. I was very hurt by you the last time we actually conversed. At the same time of being hurt, I was also appalled. I was appalled by how little you understood me despite being friends for 10 years. It has saddened me greatly. I wouldn't argue about your choices in life, simply because they belong to you. But my only concern here is them being irregular and inconsistent. Maybe you don't see it, but people around you do. And they questioned your credibility on that. So, I'm writing this in hope you'll reflect and mature.

Your old friend.

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