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Monday, June 27, 2011


I'm just done with watching "Ever After - A Cinderella Story".

Some way or another, shoes have played a part in deciding the fate of a woman. In that movie/story, the heroine is reunited with her love with a glass slipper. In yet another movie, Mr. Big proposed to Carrie Bradshaw with her pair of blue Manolo Blahniks.

Yes, he had remarked on how women justify their value through shoes. I had originally thought my love for shoes was just an obsession, considering the fact that I kinda think I do have a little OCD going on. I shall not digress.

Shoes. How many is too many? Having owned 60% of the shoes at home, I say I do not have enough shoes. While my dad, who has perhaps only 5 pairs out of the 100 pairs (I suppose), would definitely say that's too much! And of course, I have gotten my share of 'shoe' warnings. Then again, I guess my dad would have to agree, it'd be better I like shoes than liking bags. Hehehe.

I think I'm going to do some shoe shopping before school starts. I need a good pair to last me that grueling 6 weeks. :/


For as long as I have known, I have been rather tanned. The last time I was pale and white, was when I was a kid. And even during my primary school days, I was known to be tanned. Hence, chao-da woo.

Now, at 24, I'm gonna try my hand at being fair. Prolly try to be that Jap kid I was at 5.

Friday, June 24, 2011


Too intense and pure. Well, time to get a copy of Shakespeare's Sonnets.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Here's an update.

So what have I been up to? Enjoying the rest of my term break before school starts on 4th of July. Ironic. But oh well. I'll just have to stuck it up and attend the morning class of intercultural communication.

Well, been partying as expected. I need to let it all out of my system before the intense 6 weeks hit me. Here's just a peek into the havoc.

Now I'm going to bed. Am gonna be an angel in the morning. Needs beauty rest now. Good night people.

Saturday, June 04, 2011


Well, dating has been nice so far. 3 dates in, lots of texting and nice kisses. Enough of that.

I have been thinking. Almost everyone of us have ex-es. How much of the previous relationship do we recycle on the next one? Experience would mean better sex, more thought and effort put in, so as not to screw up the upcoming relationship. But how much is it we recycle?

I have introduced my dates to Pluck at Haji Lane. That's probably me recycling. I guess we do recycle. After all, places like Pluck have sentimental value to that individual. Perhaps not based on the previous relationship but the bond they have with the environment. I remembered having a date with Ray at Haji once. Let's call this new guy NG. So, I suggested Haji/Arab to NG. Please be mindful, the Kampong Glam area's not exactly in the road map of NG. I shall not go into too much details. But I guess we leapfrog a point of the previous relationship, deconstruct and reconstruct something new again.