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Sunday, December 24, 2006

xmas shopping

Happy Birthday to my lil sis, Brenda! 11 liao loh. Cannot be naughty liao. Haha.
Went shopping with the family. OMG. People are queueing to get into LV! Ok,ok. I was one of the few. Not quite. My mom went in first, so all I had to do was skipped the line. Wahahaha. Did our shopping mainly at Taka (had a shitload of Taka vouchers). Bought shirts for my dad. Bought stuff for my lil sis too. Bought Royce chocolate for Amanda. Here's the pissing part. I asked for a champagne flavour. Went to pay at the cashier. Being blur, I happily took the recipet and went to collect my purchase. However, the sales girl at Royce spotted a mistake. The cashier boy keyed in 2 chocolate orders. Ok loh. Go change the recipet. I had to wait like an idiot while those 2 made changes. The sales girl then went to the counter and brought me my purchase. They wrapped it nicely in the reflective bubble wrap. When I reached home, I opened it to check. It wasn't CHAMPAGNE! It was white. Amanda was fine with whatever. But I chose champagne was because Amanda was of age and could drink. Sigh. Now I have to go back to Taka and get it changed. Idiots.
On a lighter note, I GOT A NEW HANDPHONE!! The one on my wishlist, duh! But not black. Got a pink. The black interior wasn't as great as the pink or blue. Amanda was to get the same phone as me but they didn't have blue. So I got the phone first, while Amanda had to wait for the stock to arrive. Oh ya. My line activates in 2 days time. Hehe. Hope it to be ready by Christmas. Hehe.
I am so excited for Christmas to come, though I know that it's impossible to fulfill my initial first wish for Christmas. Sigh.

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