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Wednesday, December 27, 2006


Merry Christmas and a (not-so)Happy New Year. Had the (poly)class gift exchange session. Gave the gift to Chin Yee. I am glad he liked it. So did Jackson. Didn't expect that he was the one to exchange the gift with me. Seriously I thought it was a girl. Caught the movie "Night at the Museum". Really hilarious. I guess I ought to start on my writing stint soon, if not my muse shall be bored and leave me. Lame joke.
I had this idea of coming out with the novel(?) called Butterfly in the Rain. The storyline is about my heroine caught in the crossfire of traditional thinking of how women should behave and modern concept of sexual equality. Well, there seem to be many books on such topics. I guess I could try. Wish me luck! I hope this would be a great chance for me to be occupied on something and stopped thinking about that idiot. Hah.

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