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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Moore or less?

Recently I have watched 2 of Michael Moore's documentaries - Fahrenheit 9/11 and Capitalism: A Love Story. Of course 2 of which I have yet to complete. Fahrenheit 9/11 during my Com 242's lecture and the other on my boyfriend's laptop at a quaint cafe in Ion.

I have always questioned the George W. Bush presidential administration. Seriously, using rather underhand methods to win Presidency? So what if you're Dad's an ex-president. Hello, EX/former/old/past. So, isn't right to say that Bush (whichever 2) was not playing by the rules at that time? Of course any one could argue that politics is always an ugly affair. Hey, but in the end Al Gore got the last laugh by winning an Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth. How's that for coming in 2nd? And what Bush got? War? Sigh. I hate wars. If you had watched the shows you would agree with me on this. The Republicans tried to create revenue to come into America but totally neglected the people contributing to the revenue. Seriously, that sucks. To think about it, the American politics had been so messed up for so many years that there are many things that are hard to fix. So I'm actually wondering how is Obama going to handle such a mammoth problem? Maybe it would be better to just look at the States via a brochure from Disneyland. Safer that way.

Still, I hate the 2 Bushes. Total idiots. Sue me, whatever. I am entitled to my own freewill. -.-

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