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Friday, March 02, 2007


I'm currently watching this taiwanese tv drama - 花样少年少女. One not so pretty-looking girl disguised as a boy in a boys' school. The best part is that the school has many cute guys!! =(( She's one damn lucky girl.
唐治平(He's thai!)
So many cute guys right? Almost more as many as in Meteor Garden. But I guess, this drama has more eye-candy than in Meteor Garden. Hehe.
Well, if you haven't seen a single episode of the drama; go catch it quick! I'm not a fan of Ella, but in this drama, she's pretty funny. Unlike other dramas, where there are both tears and laughter, here there's only laughter. Really funny!
汪東城 was the reason I started watching the show. Well, I saw his previous show - 恶作剧之吻. So I felt that this one would be good. Haha. Now I think that 吳尊's better looking. Haha. I'm such a flickle.

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