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Thursday, October 11, 2007

i hate elitist

i admit i'm not the most perfect person. am still growing and learning. could be that 2 year old tree. but i still have yet to grow my flowers and start reproducing fruits.

am trying my best to make things work (this is work related not relationship related).
say that having higher qualifications i should be able to do so. damn fucking that for granted. why some fuckers expect and believe that more should be given. i doubt they have these in the west. so fucking wanna get out of singapore.

stupid old hag who speaks in circles. god please make the old hag talk straight to the point. totally confuses people with the merry-go-round talkings.

totally get the point. sometimes i feel i'm not mature enough. ok. i am not matured enough. therefore the relentless struggle to match up. fuck.

the guys are right. year 2 was shit. seems like i got a 4-year-dip-squeezed-into-2-years. thinking how a certain mr tan "teachings" vs the working world. no difference.

i don't like my boss. i accept if i'm wrong. but i won't accept that i did follow your instructions instead you feel that its still not to standard. all i have to say - fuck off.

should have left earlier. probably during the previous job scope. stuck in a fucked up company with too many ideas. design should be kept small and not too big. especially for graphics. there are too many people talking. total confusion.

looking for freelancing while getting ready to leave. if i m freelancing, kinda need a new computer. heck if its a laptop or desktop.

can't fucking wait for november to come so i can register for nafa.

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