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Tuesday, January 20, 2009


After being white for a month, I finally managed to hit the pool and chased some sunshine. :D Ok. I know I'm tan enough to some people but I can't really get enough of it. Well, I'm some what in my familiar state of dried fizzy hair, dry tanned skin and a tinge of aching shoulders that might potentially be signs of a sun burn. Hey, but the strange thing is even if I burn, it would be just a case of skin shedding like grasshoppers molting old skin. Oh whatever.

On a side but related note, my pool's confirmed cold. There's no argument to that. I had thought that today being sunny and warm, the pool might have been heated up by the sun. No. It's still icy cold as usual. I seriously wonder how can the kids in my condo manage to swim on every other weekend. Don't they think the pool's cold?

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