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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's the end of 2009.

I have yet to finish my Christmas post. Oh well. I'll just lump it here.

This Christmas, I finally saw the magic the holiday brings. For the last 7 years, I had struggled to stay afloat while being alone on Christmas Eve night. Of course I do have my family but it is just different when there's a person who is not obligated by blood to love you, does so. The Eve wasn't only my kid sister's birthday, it was also a mark of our 3 months together. Anyone could argue it only being 3 months and what's the fuss about it. To me it's different. It is not only to mark that simple significance of our union but it also marks something more important to me: unconditional companionship. It has proven to me the cynic that it is possible to find love. That I won't be suffering the same fate as Anita Mui or Marilyn Monroe.

Well, on the material side of Christmas, I would say I received 2 gifts. Fresh paint from my mom, and the Salvatore Ferragamo Incanto Heaven from the boy. And I gave almost $100 worth of presents this year. To my sisters, my cousins, my girls and my boy. I guess money well spent.

Now moving on. Since this will be the last entry of 2009, I guess its time for the usual reflections. This year, I got attached, got a job, left the job, made new friends, lost weight, gained weight, smoked, drank but didn't puke, made awesome love, had a pinch of school drama, left the school drama and I'm still alive. It has been eventful. True to admit my first half of the year sucked big time. The ever annoying "what's her name" drama didn't much end till I actually left school for an internship at Frost & Sullivan. Had harassment calls from stupid people who used their mobile phones, and I have caller ID. Made new friends - Chermaine, Susu, Noi , Clarence and Janice.

The second half got better. Got into an awesome internship. Learned that I like doing advertising and marketing. Had a pursuit of 3 suitors - 1 totally non-existent to the physical world of sunny Singapore, 1 slow poke and 1 became the victor. Proved quite a number of people wrong too.

Tomorrow is the last day of 2009. And I know on this day, I will be surrounded by people who love me and whom I love. And we will all welcome 2010 with open arms.

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