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Saturday, January 09, 2010

1st week of 2010.

I can't exactly sleep tonight. And I'm actually typing my words wrongly. Well, I'm getting a headache from all the financial woes. Unpaid mobile bills, CNY attires to buy, textbooks to get and days to live too. On top of that, I realized I gained a whooping 7 kg after 3 months of relationship bliss.

Note to self:
  • Lose 7kg and more
  • Get a part-time permanent job with fixed income

On the topic of income, well, I studied design and had actually worked as a designer for a year. That does not include my 3 month stint at Frost & Sullivan as a graphics intern. Now I'm looking for some freelancing. I charge. So friends, no more free stuff. Well that includes treats. I will be charging at market rate and if you're friend, of course there will be a discount of 20% per service. Here is my online portfolio.

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