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Wednesday, May 12, 2010


About 2 days ago, I was still mopping and getting angry about not getting work and not getting paid soon enough.

Well, 2 days after and I am still whining over my financial situation. Sucks to be a student now. Although I have this events job to tide some of my finances, still the pay takes a longer route to my pocket. The original plan (before no tuition) was to use this events position like something on a spare cash basis; like for birthday presents and outings. However with tuition gone, I have yet to find a replacement job for regular income. I understand it is not easy for me to get a tuition assignment due to the neighborhood school and diploma background. Not forgetting how idiotic the economy is now. Seriously this sucks. On top of that, with my mediocre designing skills, no matter how cheap I charge, there's always another designer better than me.

I have come to understand this in-between life I have. In-between sizes, in-between jobs, in-between friends.... I really do want to break this cycle. One may ask, "Aren't your parents providing?" Yes, they are. You may wonder where did all my money go to. Hmm.. Here's my break down:
  • Transport - Well, my dad does provide for transport and that's fine. However, I'm sometimes a tardy person. So, the cab comes in handy when I'm rushing. Of course, GAC (guilty as charged). In my defense, I would say about 15% (which is A LOT) of what I earn goes to cabs. FML.
  • Skincare - GAC again. I just blew about $60 on my skincare recently which is something I deeply regret. Damn it Zelda, can't you just control a little?
  • Entertainment - Technically, clubbing and what nots are only done when either I'm free or I have spare cash. Hello, I do need "me" time. But of course the boyfriend pays for most of the dates and I feel horrid now. Seriously, the more I write this entry, the more I'll hate myself.
  • Food - Again, Ray pays for most of our meals whenever we go out. Recently, due to my financial situation, I hardly eat even when I'm working. Hmm.... Hope it helps with the weight loss too.
  • Bills - My mobile and credit card bills. Sigh. Seriously, I have been trying to control the card. Ok, I do have some balance yet to clear but I think I am able to manage that for now.
After breaking down my monthly spending, I have come to realize that cabs are a bad thing, skincare spending has to be truly justified before buying and I could definitely cut down on the bills. Oh well. Let's hope I DO get a job that pays regularly soon. Sigh.

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