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Monday, September 07, 2009

This is why.

Watch before reading.

You people know that I'm atheist and am rather proud of it. Well, I know this is going to sound rather sick of me. I have this cheap thrill of taking in the various expressions and remarks of people when I slip my religion information. Some go "Ok.", other go "You don't believe in GOD?", and there are those extremes who go "Man, you're so going to hell."

You may ask why am I an atheist the anti god-believer. And I may answer : Does it matter? Ok. That will seem a little rude. Here's the real reason : I believe in people. I get people telling me about the faith and the belief but to me seeing is believing. End of the day, we know about the Bible, the various Sutras and other holy books written. But wait, aren't all these written by people? Question : Has ANY one seen the holy mighty himself/herself? Perhaps no? If there is evidence of such, then who in the world created the dinosaurs? You know that I think, space is filled with lots of bacteria and micro-organisms that are in hybernation. All of which travel to the planet earth and due to the suitable temperate condition, hence sprout up something we called today as life.

I sound skeptic? Hell yes. I'm going into a rather annoying tone. Why I believe in people? Has the almighty actually reached out to those affected by Hurricane Katrina or helped refugee camps in Africa or distributed food supplies to those affected by the recent earthquake in Jakarta? Thinking about it, NO. All of which are done by people of living blood and flesh, people who breathe in the same air as you and I, people who drink the same water and eat food to survive too. To quote from Burke from Grey's Anatomy : "You do not promise a family the outcome of a surgery. The only one who can do so is GOD, and I have not seen him around with a scapel these days." Of course we all know the surgeons in the show all have god complexes. Well, that's for another time. But I couldn't help but agree with Burke(or the person who wrote the script).

I'm not trying to forcefully vy my point about religion being a waste of time. (Sorry, I have always thought so.) In my opinion, if you have so much time to give prayers and contribute to the religious community, why not use such time imput on people who really deserve it. Why not give some of your time to elders who have been abandoned by their family or children who have no one to turned to or animals that have no where to go in this urban jungle? I'd rather donate blood or volunteer at an animals' shelter than go to church on Sundays or stick joss sticks into urns every 1st or 15th day of the lunar month.

Do remember, I'm not the government. So this means I'm not the absolute. However, then again what's the absolute?

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